Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ethics Hotline - Working or Non-Working Number

Blog friends. I know that many of you want to do the right thing and I can't believe that you haven't tried to do the right thing. Who has tried to report questionable practices, behavior etc to the Ethics Hotline? Did anything happen as a result of your call? Or, did it get buried?


Anonymous said...

I reported something to the hotline years ago as a city employee. A contract staff person was seen campaigning at an election site and handed me election material. (This would have been in violation of city policy as the election included items that were directly tied to that department.) I waited to report it after time sheets would have been turned in. The internal auditor contacted the director of the department and asked if the contract staff had been paid for working at their contract job for that day. GUESS WHAT? The department head said no but timesheets are public record and could have been reviewed. The crack Internal Auditor did not pursue that avenue first to see if there was a discrepancy....DUH. And so ended my trust in that city hall service.

Anonymous said...

The Ethics Hotline is a waste of time and one of the biggest jokes in City Hall. Remember, Greenway reports to WAYNE! So Wayne decides who he can and can't investigate. I've heard numerous stories about thefts, misuse of credit cards, free meals, etc., that were reported, but Wayne quashed investigations. Especially in the Finance Revenue Division where the LaToadies (a subgroup of the Waynettes) abound! And in the department that the LaToady Commissioner of Revenue managed before her current position. As Manager of Liquor Control, she bragged to friends about all the "favors" that restaurant/bar managers would give her to avoid problems getting their licenses renewed.

What is the "smelly stuff" that Anonymous on 9/25 11:28 PM says Greenway is investigating? Hard to believe it could relate to any of the Waynettes or LaToadies. Give us the scoop!


Anonymous said...

You will see if the Ethics Hotline is working when Wayne tries to cover up the results of a current hotline being investigated by the internal auditor (Greenway). What was it someone said? Ah, yes, someone said that the media can get copies of emails through the Freedom of Information Act. Wonder why Greenway can't get copies of the #1 no-no in emailing, sent by a certain ACM, from the city IT dept? Fear of reprisal from Wayne? Or is it fear of the Waynette, herself?

Anonymous said...

How long this investigation has already taken has opened the city up to major litigation. precedent for the same offense was handled differently by cauthen himself swift and decisively through hr when it didn't involve his precious waynette, which implicates him, HR and IT. Emails, IT, conversations are all discoverable and many are sunshine law. I'd be more afraid of the the city being sued and rightfully so in a very public way over the handling of a very denegrating scandal right in the City Manager's office, which will be humiliating for our city at a time we really don't need another reason to be embarrassed nationally, and all his favored treatment of his 'girls' coming to pubic light. Come on, Wayne. You're nothing if not a survivalist. Save yourself. Let her go. What does she have on you? Instead, her threat is to find out who is behind the blog and behead them. Her behavior is terminable upon discovery and it's been over a month. Council, please intervene. the structure doesn't work if the internal auditor reports to the one being investigated.

Anonymous said...

The ethics hotline is a joke and a total waste of time. I've personally reported several different issues and nothing was done. When the issues involve any of the favored few they get swept under the carpet. Why bother when even the Sunshine Law doesn't frighten the almighty Wayne, LT and the rest of the chosen ones. Talk to the new wall on the North side of the hall, you will get more done!

Anonymous said...

The ethics hotline works fine for many issues involving city employees. However, some checks and balances are needed with the Internal Auditor, (Roy Greenway) since he reports to the City Manager. For example, how free is the Internal Auditor to investigate an allegation against a member of top management within the City Manager's Office? I suggest that in order to insure accountability that the Internal Auditor provide monthly reports to the City Council, and his work should be reviewed by the City Auditor's Office. This would not only provide some accountability and transparency to the Internal Auditor's work, but it would also give Mr. Greenway additional support to investigate allegations against top management without fear of retaliation.