Friday, September 28, 2007

Councilmembers - Take The Helm Please

As you assess Wayne Cauthen’s contract – you must do your due diligence. A good source is the David Martin’s piece “The Mile High Club” in the April 26, 2007 PITCH (and we're sure this is nothing compared to rumors we're hearing now.) And, now, we’re hearing rumors of a CIMO slush fund. Wherever there is something stinky in and around City Hall– there’s Wayne in the background, the puppet-master manipulating the strings, benefiting in some way. He covers his tracks well, he never does the dirty work himself.

Council-members, find the courage to lead, find the courage to not re-contract with Wayne. Wayne was a chief of staff for a questionable mayor (think Denver Airport); for god knows what reasons, Kansas City ignored his lack of qualifications and hired him and this on the job training is to the detriment of the well being of the City. We have spent millions and millions and millions of dollars on his Denver collaborators Denver consultants, Denver companies. He has imported way too many staff people from Denver, who have come on board at outrageous salaries, received outlandish raises and we have to keep lowering the bar in order for them to be put in these positions. It’s simply “extreme” welfare. And is Wayne getting a finder's fee or commission?

As the mayor’s office fumbles about, somebody needs to grab a hold of the helm of this ship – we’re running aground. so it needs to be the City Council. Take a deep breath, pull up your socks, get a grip, find your courage, thank Wayne for his time (be courteous which is more than he would do for you) and bid him adieu, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, so long, adios, arrivederci. With our help, he has priced himself out of the market. However, we don’t have time to wait for him to find another job, he’s been looking for 2 years. If other cities thought he was a prize - don't you think he'd be gone by now?


Anonymous said...

Maybe, just maybe this council will stand up. Cauthen was able to make deals with members of the last council and keep their vote. Of course, where are all those councilmembers now...Eddy...Brooks...Fairfield....Nace...Glover...losers all....

Anonymous said...

I guess another question would be, why does the Star protect Cauthen? Were they taken in by his charm and smarm

Anonymous said...

3:14 - the most important part of my comment was not shown. I was pointing out that Eddy, Brooks, Fairfield, Nace & Glover all gave the mgr their vote and today they are LOSERS ALL!!

Anonymous said...

I have always wondered why The Star was so easy on that group. It sure can't be his charm--he has none. I think they are down right afraid of him. I've seen his arrogance and been victim to his anger. I also know that Kay/Steve were working the press and groups like the Chamber all the time and kept them beat down. I believe they have always been afraid of her and her posse. I think she could chew the heads off nails when crossed.

Anonymous said...

I agree the Council needs to end Cauthen's regime. But, that's not by default, it's by design. We have chosen not to have a strong mayor form of government. That means we put our confidence in our elected officials to manage our City Manager. They're his bosses, for god's sake. Hiring and firing the City Manager is their single personnel duty. We should not have to plead for them to have courage to do it. How many flagrant examples of insubordination do they need to make an obvious management decision? They have the perfect opportunity right now. It's kind of like electing George Bush a second time. The Council only needs to find a way to make it SAFE for city employees and directors to tell them what they know about Wayne Cauthen and they will learn the truth. Aside from calling his bosses names in open settings and threatening his staff, and inconsistently applying human resource policies and opening the City up to potential major litigation, defying his bosses' orders to cease and desist on spending relentlessly and leading the Denver outsourcing department, it is a known deplorable situation when his 'girls' travel on public dollars and run up unauthorized expenses and NO ONE IS HELD ACCCOUNTABLE. Is the Council complicit by commission or ommission? Which is worse?

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't anyone make Cauthen show evidence of his achievements? He has done nothing but destroy the organization and loot the treasury. The only people who have made money or been employed are his buddies from Denver.

Anonymous said...

Hell, most of the time CIMO didn't even bother with a slush fund. They ran thousands and thousands of dollars of catering (including alcohol, witch is strictly forbidden by City Charter) through regular accounts, which were then assigned to city projects. John Franklin signed and approved any bill that came under his nose. John, btw, is trash talking Wayne to anyone who will listen.

Anonymous said...

Goodness...I just heard about this site and I am encouraged to see that everyone inside the "hall" has not gone deaf, dumb and blind... but be aware that the disintegration of ethics and accountability has spread throughout a number of departments. I have seen the blank stares of disillusionment from what once were very hard working employees as some really odd promotions happen. Leaders lead by example…and if it is ok for the top to take care of their Denver friends, then it’s ok for the ME-H’s, G’s and F’s to take care of theirs….right?

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting blog. As somebody who watches from a distance, I would be interested in hearing more stuff from people in the trenches. Are there any scandals to watch for?

Anonymous said...

I think you're hearing from people in the trenches. What I'd REALLY like to hear is from people in Denver. Wayne didn't suddenly become who he is when he graced our doors. Those he brings here are, of course, only those he can 'influence'. Dear Skunk, can you sniff out some people there who will join our blog who are not now living under tyranny and whose jobs are not one the line for speaking truth to power?

Anonymous said...

While you're watching Cauthen, watch LT, she's even worse. He's the teflon Don and she's the teflon Donna. She's a bully & she needs to be taken down from her pedestal. We all know she has committed MANY fireable offenses, but if you touch her, you lose your job instead. Ask Deb Hinsvark.

Anonymous said...

Heads up for Funkhouser, he got the city employee vote because many thought he would take cauthen out of his job. Now there are a whole lot of disappointed city employees. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice....won't happen.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget CIMO won Wayne awards...I'm not sure what for, maybe how to blow millions for what? Supporting Denver rejects? Where is the KC Star in all this? The Star is usually front and center whenever anything even slightly hinky is going on at City Hall but Wayne and the Waynettes? Splashing every little misdeed on the front page and on the web is the Star's style but not when it comes to the Cauthen regime. WHY???

Anonymous said...

Because The Star, particularly Steve Penn, are Waynettes Supreme. Why else would our 'investigative' 'embedded' media with offices inside City Hall be somehow 'unable' to uncover anything askance about the man they touted at the best thing to hit Kansas City, and let's not forget the incentives for their pretty new building downtown.

Anonymous said...

Do any of you idiots even know what goes on in City Hall? He is at least making an effort to revitalize the shitty downtown area and make this godawful place into a real city. Complain all you want, but none of you know anyone who could or would do the job better.